Tuesday evening, two of these friends went from written words and pictures referred to as siggies to real life people. Jaime and her son Brier and Melody and her son Ethan came over to our house for a playdate and dinner. All the kids got along so well and it was so much fun to see those three playing together.
Wednesday, we went to the MN Zoo and also got to meet Maryann and her son, Nic. The kids all had a great time. Lex and Jaime were feeding the chickens some goldfish crackers and Evey decided she wanted some. Well, since she was walking around and happened to be the same size as the chickens, one of them saw the crackers in her hand and knocked her down to try to get the crackers. Poor Evey was so scared. Lex decided Jaime was his new best friend and was constantly leaving me to be right by her. He also thought Nic was "a great kid" (his own words). He kept making Nic crack up, this little cutie has the best, most infectious laugh. Ethan is such a sweetheart, he is really laid back and totally adorable. Brier is also a little cutie and was a total ham for me when I was taking pictures, I like camera hams!
The Stroller Brigade
Right before that chicken knocked her over.
My babies!
The boys: Nic, Ethan, and Brier
Brier, Eva, and Nic
Eva and Nic
Ethan and Eva, all tuckered out
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